Mark your calendars for Thursday, 12/12… It’s Monthly Mingle Time at The Dementia Hub! It’ll be a holiday party with the one and only Santa Claus! So, celebrate the season right and invite your loved ones to join you for pictures with Santa, songs,...
In an epic conclusion to Cirque du Illimunate: the 2024 Moments Matter Masquerade, Oakwood Creative Care (OCC) is thrilled to announce that a total of $115,000 was raised in support of older adults living with dementia and other age-related challenges! Cirque du...
We're a nonprofit organization based in Mesa, Arizona with three senior day club locations (and a fourth on the way) which serve older adults with Alzheimer's, dementia, Parkinson's, and various other physical or cognitive challenges. Life does not end with a diagnosis. Our members continue to learn new skills, enjoy new discoveries, make friends, laugh, and live a joy-filled life. Our team of dementia experts lead support groups, events, classes, and private sessions with caregivers and families, guiding them on the best methods to care for their loved ones while also caring for themselves.