Nov 8, 2021 | All, Etc., Learn, OCC News, OCCNews, Uncategorized
Give Thanks This Veterans Day November 11th is Veterans Day, a time to celebrate and give thanks to the many valiant men and women who so honorably and bravely served our country. As a non-profit organization, Oakwood Creative Care has the honor and privilege of...
Sep 20, 2021 | All, Etc., OCC News, OCCNews
A Breath Of Fresh Air Thoughts of nursing care facilities often suggest stagnant white walls, grim fluorescent lights, bingo, and knitting circles. The halls are generally quiet, the silence broken mostly by the humming sounds of hushed televisions, and squeaky shoes...
Oct 21, 2020 | All, Etc., Member Projects
For so many people, retaining skills and memories can become increasingly difficult with each passing year. In some, this is due to a natural “slowing down” that can come with aging. While for others, common medical issues such as Alzheimer’s or...
Jul 30, 2020 | All, Meet our team
Nikki is one of our fabulous, friendly instructors at our Red Mountain location. When she’s not helping members in person, you’ll often find her leading an incredible online class. See her in action in this helpful “chair exercises”...