Sep 10, 2021 | Etc., Learn, OCC News, OCCNews, Uncategorized
OCC: Rooted In Dementia Care A symbol of strength and resistance, the mighty oak tree grows upwards of 100 feet tall, cascading into the sky and expanding its branches to provide fields of shade and comfort for everything living beneath it. At Oakwood Creative Care,...
Jul 30, 2020 | All, Meet our team
Nikki is one of our fabulous, friendly instructors at our Red Mountain location. When she’s not helping members in person, you’ll often find her leading an incredible online class. See her in action in this helpful “chair exercises”...
Jul 22, 2020 | All, OCC News, OCCNews
After five years of research and development, we’re excited to announce our new partnership with ALLE Learning™ to create EngAGE EnCOURAGE™: a new and innovative memory care engagement program designed especially for the unique needs of seniors. We are now utilizing...
Aug 17, 2018 | Meet our team, Uncategorized
Have you met our youngest employee yet? This blue-eyed beauty can be found crawling around on all fours, greeting guests in the lobby with a grin, or sitting in the lap of a member- stealing love from one of her many “Grandmas and Grandpas.” Meet Savanha Rae, “Savi!”...