Jan 17, 2022 | OCC News, OCCNews
There’s Still Time: Donate Today! It’s time to shift your New Year’s resolutions into action and help spark joy for seniors in your community! 2021 might be over, but there’s still time to donate your Arizona Tax Credits and become a part of the innovative...
Jan 11, 2022 | Meet our team
As a leader in innovation and transformational leadership, Tara Krantzman has tremendous passion for and expertise in human services, with big dreams for the future of senior care. Now the Chief Operating Officer, Tara reflects on the experiences she’s had working at...
Dec 25, 2021 | All, Etc., Member Projects, OCC News, OCCNews, Uncategorized
Spreading Joy With Blessings Bags The holidays are about sharing and spreading joy. As we prepare ourselves for holiday feasts and gift-giving galore, it is important to take a moment to stop and think about those who may be in need of a little extra help during this...
Dec 20, 2021 | All, Etc., Learn, OCC News, OCCNews, Uncategorized
Be The Difference For Seniors In Need There is a major deficit in funding for our senior community, but there is still time for YOU to help make an impact before the end of tax season! An alarming 2% of philanthropic dollars are being directed to elderly care, leaving...
Dec 8, 2021 | All, Dementia Friendly Cooking, Etc., Member Projects
For this recipe, you will need: 1 cup of sugar (for sugar-free cookies, consider 1 cup of stevia or monk fruit extract) 1 cup of creamy peanut butter 1 large egg DEMENTIA TIP Be sure to keep your loved one as independent as possible during the process. Take your time...