Nov 29, 2021 | All, Etc., OCC News, OCCNews, Uncategorized
GratitudeA noun meaning the quality of being thankful, as well as readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. Give The Gift Of Joy The best gifts don’t always come perfectly wrapped in shimmery paper topped with a festively colorful bow. Sometimes, the...
Nov 22, 2021 | All, Etc., Learn
Dear Caregivers, The holidays are upon us and it’s time we had a real talk about expectations. This year, it’s time to turn off the TV and all of those picture perfect holiday movies. I don’t think the ones portrayed in the cinemas really exist — sometimes,...
Nov 15, 2021 | All, Etc., Member Projects, Uncategorized
Meet Maki: Maki was born in Osaka, Japan, the second largest city in the country. As the middle child between two brothers, Maki was raised with a traditional Japanese upbringing centered around womanhood and the important roles of a housewife. The cultural...
Mar 19, 2021 | All, Etc., Learn, OCC News, OCCNews, Uncategorized
As a nonprofit, we’re always so appreciative for the support we receive from our community. Together, we’re helping Arizona seniors and their families as they navigate Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and other age-related issues. Recently, a former Board...
Jul 23, 2020 | All, Learn
In the past 2 blogs of our “What Is Healthy Aging of The Brain?” series (here and here), we’ve talked about Normal Aging versus Dementia. Hopefully, this has given you enough information to dispel false information and the many myths that often surround aging and...