The Unexpected Way to Prevent Falls

The Unexpected Way to Prevent Falls

The Unexpected Way to Prevent Falls A person who is confident in themselves has decreased fall risk. (This is CENTERING to have confidence in other’s abilities and in our own abilities.) As family caregivers, we tend to believe a person’s dementia is further...
Rosemary Explains: Frontotemporal Dementia

Rosemary Explains: Frontotemporal Dementia

Common Dementia Types # 3: Frontotemporal Dementia To follow along in my series of the 10 most common types of dementia we see at Oakwood,  let’s discuss Frontotemporal dementia (see my other post about alcohol-related dementia and vascular dementia, here)...
Get to Know Adam

Get to Know Adam

Adam is quite popular with the members at Oakwood, and he’s made several friends during his time working at “the club”! Around here, Adam isn’t hard to find. You’ll spot him in several videos on YouTube, teaching how to paint or giving...
Do You Know These 2 Common Types of Dementia?

Do You Know These 2 Common Types of Dementia?

There are over 400 different types of Dementia. However, as an RN at Oakwood Creative Care, there are approximately 10 types that I see on a regular basis while working with our members. Over the next few blog posts, I’ll cover the basics of those 10 types. Today,...
Get to Know Nikki!

Get to Know Nikki!

Nikki is one of our fabulous, friendly instructors at our Red Mountain location. When she’s not helping members in person, you’ll often find her leading an incredible online class. See her in action in this helpful “chair exercises”...
What Is Healthy Aging of The Brain? Pt. 4: Fact vs. Myth

What Is Healthy Aging of The Brain? Pt. 4: Fact vs. Myth

In the past 2 blogs of our “What Is Healthy Aging of The Brain?” series (here and here), we’ve talked about Normal Aging versus Dementia. Hopefully, this has given you enough information to dispel false information and the many myths that often surround aging and...