Mar 18, 2022 | All, Etc., Learn, Uncategorized
What Is Connection? As defined by Brene Brown, “Connection is that energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.”...
Mar 14, 2022 | All, OCC News
During Arizona Gives Day on April 5-6, make a difference in the lives of seniors with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other age-related challenges by supporting Oakwood Creative Care! Arizona Gives Day is an annual online giving movement celebrating nonprofits like us and...
Mar 8, 2022 | All, Learn, Uncategorized
March is National Brain Injury Awareness Month, a movement pioneered by the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA). Today, Oakwood Creative Care stands by those who face daily challenges and struggles as a result of their condition. As a community, we must come...
Mar 7, 2022 | All, Meet our team, OCC News, OCCNews, Uncategorized
Arizona’s most notorious nonprofit mobsters are facing hard time in the Oakwood slammer! Each of these mafia madmen and women has been charged for crimes related to supporting seniors with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other age-related challenges through their work...
Dec 30, 2021 | All, Etc., Member Projects, Uncategorized
Cheers to the New Year! We are so excited to be ringing in the New Year and cannot wait to see what 2022 has in store for the Oakwood Creative Care family and all of our members! Like many of you, we have been busy crafting our New Year’s resolution plans with...
Dec 27, 2021 | All, Etc., OCC News, OCCNews, Uncategorized
Thank You Thunderbirds Charities Oakwood Creative Care’s mission would not be made possible without the generosity of our community supporters. Over the years, and with the help of Thunderbirds Charities, Oakwood Creative Care has been successful in implementing and...