Featured Article: Life On The Lakes

As a nonprofit, we’re always so appreciative for the support we receive from our community. Together, we’re helping Arizona seniors and their families as they navigate Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and other age-related issues.

Recently, a former Board Member and forever friend of Oakwood, Shellie Berry, wrote a featured article for “Life On The Lakes”. In it, she shares a bit about herself, and how readers can assist Oakwood’s mission. Additionally, Shellie shares great info about her upcoming free “Dementia Friends” virtual webinar. Check it out, below!

“OCC is so much more than a “day club for seniors.” They’ve revolutionized the standard methods of caring for Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and age-related issues. “

– Shellie Berry


Oakwood Creative Care supports individuals & families navigating the challenges of aging, including dementia, Parkinson’s, or stroke.

Our Day Clubs provide an enriching space where members engage their minds and bodies, find joy, and build meaningful friendships—while giving their family caregivers the time and flexibility to take care of personal needs.. Beyond our clubs, we foster a vibrant, supportive community through caregiver education, support groups, memory cafés, occupational therapy, GUIDE, and more.

Let’s Be Friends

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