Interview w/ Oakwood CEO, Sherri Friend

Tune in to hear our CEO, Sherri Friend, discuss what she learned about Alzheimer’s care abroad, how OCC has adapted to COVID-19, why dementia care matters so deeply to her, and a bit about our upcoming “Jail N’ Bail” event in her interview featured on the EZ Sports Talkshow!


” They build the communities that we enjoy every day. It’s our duty and our honor to make the last years of their life the best that they can be. “

– Sherri Friend


Oakwood Creative Care supports individuals & families navigating the challenges of aging, including dementia, Parkinson’s, or stroke.

Our Day Clubs provide an enriching space where members engage their minds and bodies, find joy, and build meaningful friendships—while giving their family caregivers the time and flexibility to take care of personal needs.. Beyond our clubs, we foster a vibrant, supportive community through caregiver education, support groups, memory cafés, occupational therapy, GUIDE, and more.

Let’s Be Friends

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